German Language Training

German is the most widely spoken language in Europe.More people speak German as their native language than any other language in Europe.While learning German can connect you to 120 million native speakers around the globe, remember that many people also learn German as a second language.German is the most common native language. More than 90 million people in the world speak it. Knowing the language of your German business partners improves your relations and therefore your chances for effective communication and success. Germany is the world’s second-largest exporter. The German economy ranks number one in Europe and number four worldwide. Its    economy is comparable to that of all the world’s Spanish-speaking countries combined. Direct investment by Germany in the United States is over ten billion dollars.

Why Learn German Language

  • To Study at Renowned German Universities
  • To avail excellent Business Opportunities
  • It Has Great Cultural Inheritance and its Contribution to Knowledge is Priceless
  • It Is the Most Spoken Native Language in Europe
  • Germany is home to numerous international corporations.
  • The global career: Knowledge of German increases your job opportunities with German and foreign companies in your own country and abroad.

What you’ll learn

  • Greet and introduce yourself and others in German
  • Communicate successfully in everyday situations
  • Talk about your daily routine and discuss the weather
  • Make appointments and arrange meetings
  • Write, revise and proofread short texts in German
  • Pronounce German words correctly
  • Use German grammar with ease and fluency
  • Speak German with confidence

We at meridian offer intensive training for french language for more details please call meridian or visit in person.


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