Frequent Asked Questions
Is there any age limit for admission abroad?
Can a student take up a job in the same country after completing education (Graduation/MS/MBA) from abroad?
Yes, Maximum number of the students does. The student visa that a student get from the US embassy in India prior to departure, however, does not permit you to take up full time employment after your studies are over. You have to take separate permission from the immigration department to work after finishing your MS or MBA. It is not very difficult to get such permission. This is called Optional practical training. Once you get a job you can request your employer to process your documents to change your VISA status to work.
Does work experience help in getting admission and financial aid.
Yes, But most of the time only relevant work experience helps in getting financial assistance. If a student is planning for MS Computer science then the students work experience in the field of Information technology is considered. Sometimes experience in management helps a lot in getting financial assistance. It is advisable to obtain one year of work experience in the relevant field for financial assistance. A student must send his work profile duly authenticated by his employer, along with the application form while applying for financial assistance.
What Indian sources are available for financing the Education abroad?
All the banks in Indian have different educational schemes for students who wish to study abroad. Under some schemes a students can obtain a certain amount in lacks, without providing any security. Now a day’s getting education loan is easy and procedure is somewhat relaxed in comparison to previous years. Banks offer sufficient time in years to repay the loans. Repayments of loans by parents / guardians may commence immediately after disbursal. However the installments usually nominal (to cover only the interest portion) during the period of study and or stepped up one year after the completion of the course. (If you are able to secure a job in the USA after the completion of your studies there, as most students in the past have done. You can repay loans very easily).
Of course repayment period and schedule can vary from bank to bank. you can contact the local banks for further information on similar schemes administered by them, if you propose to avail a bank loan start interacting with the bank well in advance, since bank takes one month to complete all the formalities. Some foreign banks also offer educational loan at a much lower rate of interest. Information about them can be obtained at Meridian Studies. Also for financial assistance some scholarships are available of competitive basis in India and Abroad. Here at meridian we are also tied up with Indian financial institutions that provide foreign education loan.
I do not have a Bachelors in Engineering can I try for study masters?
How can blood relatives or close relative in United States help me?
Close or blood relatives sometimes can be a bank guarantor for an educational loan if the education loan is obtained from foreign bank. Close relative can give you financial support. Which will help you in obtaining a VISA? of course a student has to give convincing reasons for their interest in supporting you? They can also help you while you are studying in the United States by paying for your tuition fees or living cost.
What is the duration of an MS or MBA course in American Universities?
How much salary can one get after an MS/MBA or after PhD?
After Completing MS / MBA a student can get a starting salary in the range of $55,000 to $70,000 per annum. Of course the salary structure depends on many factors, such as student area of specialization, the university from where a student obtained a degree, the geographical area where student get the job and of course the student’s academic and practical abilities to convince the employer about his capabilities and versatility.
Are jobs available in all the fields of education?
Yes the American economy is very much balanced and needs peoples from all the walks of life such as engineers, arts graduates, Pharmacy graduates, Chemistry graduates…..etc. although there is a periodic boom and recession in all the fields which effects the job scenario in every country. But in United States sky is the limit for the enterprising and dynamic individuals. That is why US is called land of opportunities.
What is 'Financial Statement?
Financial Statement or Bank Statement indicates the availability of funds with you, (or your sponsor) in a bank. These funds must be available for the purpose of your further education. A statement given by the Bank manager, on the Bank’s letterhead, clearly indicating the amount of funds available both in your native currency and also the currency of the country where you would like to study has to be given, with the seal of the bank and signature of the Manager. To each and every university you apply to, you need to enclose an original Bank Statement. Student is required to send one original financial statement to each university he is applying. Some universities need the Financial Statement filled, in the application itself. If it is indicated as mandatory, you need to get that form appropriately filled by the Bank.
I have a Job in India, what should I do MS / JOB?
Joining a job in a Good company & getting work experience is good; but it’s also good to have masters in hand. Having a good GRE score can get in to one of the TOP universities in the US and you can try getting financial. If you get funding, you make up to Rs. 70,000 a month. So people with Jobs apply to schools and speak to professors, if they assure you work/aid then think about MS else it’s good to work for 1-2 years and then think about Masters.
Bottom Line if your family needs your support then go for a job; but if you are planning to be independent in Life with a good job and a good carrier; go for Masters. And one more thing if you start a job; it’s too hard to stop in Middle and study again
Are jobs available in all the fields of education and areas of specializations?
Yes in the developed countries abroad economy is very much balanced and needs peoples from all the walks of life such as engineers, arts graduates, Pharmacy graduates, Chemistry graduates…..etc. although there is a periodic boom and recession in all the fields which effects the job scenario in every country. But in United States sky is the limit for the enterprising and dynamic individuals. That is why the countries like USA is called land of opportunities.
Is it true that only engineering and Computer Science students have opportunities in the countries abroad?
No, this is not true. The education system and job market in developed countries abroad demands students from various fields. In fact non-engineering students also stand a better chance of getting financial support from universities abroad . Every year several students from various disciplines apply for admission in various academic streams like Sociology, Psychology, Geography, Economics, Mathematics and Statistics, Literature and Languages, Environmental Sciences, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Immunology, Physiology, Biomedical Sciences, Toxicology etc, and successfully secure admissions in the Universities abroad. A majority of these students secured admission in the top ranking universities with financial aid.
What are the sources / types of financial aid available if student is willing to study abroad?
Is it possible that a student can work while studying abroad in the countries like United States?
The law in developed countries does not allow students on a student visa to work off-campus. But on-campus job opportunities are available. It is possible to work on campus for 20 hours per week. Almost every student studying abroad get on campus jobs depending on their capabilities and efforts. The pay can vary from $6 to $12 per hour, depending on the area and the type of work a student gets. Even if a student gets an average of $7 per hour, he can earn around $500 per months which is more than enough to take care of cost of living of a student. You may even pay of your tuition fee from the savings. Jobs can vary from working in a computer lab to library work dishwashing in the cafeteria.
Therefore before leaving for America it is advisable that students must learn computer basics like windows word Excel, C++ Visual basic, oracle, java, HTML etc. Basic Computer knowledge is must irrespective of the field of specialization. Even if it is something like Psychology, Medical, Pharmacy, Civil, Chemistry or Fine Arts etc.
Do I get more aid if I enrol for the fall semester?
Is it possible to change my field of study?
The American system is very flexible. So you can change your field of study while studying in a particular university e.g. a student doing his M.S. in the engineering or the physics department can shift to the computer science department. But it often happens that when you transfer your terms for some other subject, the new department may not accept all your earlier credits. They may treat you as a fresh admission and accept only those credits that are similar in both courses.
Many Indian Students enjoy this flexibility of American education system. Many students change the area of studies and join an upcoming and prosperous area of study. For an example a Commerce graduate from India can join MS Computer science In US for batter career opportunities, which is not possible in India. In various other study destinations abroad also same concept apply and may differ on the basis of different cases.
Can any graduate including commerce/Arts graduate apply for an MS in computers?
It is possible to do so. But to join MS in computer Science a University abroad asks the Indian commerce graduate to complete certain prerequisite courses in computer science. Number of prerequisite courses totally depends on the discretion of the US University according to the difficulty level of the MS course offerings.
What are the fields available for commerce students?
Is a 15-year (12+3) education enough for admission in United States Master's degree program?
In most of the cases general requirement for admission is 16 years of education. So the students who are studying under 12+3 scheme are advised to complete Masters Degree for the fulfilment of required admission criteria of US University.
As explained above, In US & Canada the Bachelor’s degree is of 4 years. Hence, almost 80% of the universities require that the student applying for their Graduate programs (Postgraduate or called as Masters Degree program in India) have a four year undergraduate degree. In India the eligibility criterion is satisfied by all Bachelor degree in engineering, medical, architecture, pharmacy, and all other master’s degrees such as M.Sc., MCM, MCA, MBA etc. Also some foreign Universities accept 12+3+1 that is a Indian bachelor’s degree (B.Sc., B.Com., BA….etc) and a 1 year of Masters ( For that is B.Sc. + 1 PG Course) education in India.
Now some universities abroad started accepting 15 years of education as a master’s entry requirement.
Does work experience required for admission in to MBA program from universities abroad?
Yes some Universities nowadays require work experience along with GMAT score. But requirement solely depends upon the Universities discretion and decision of the admission committee. Although it is always advisable to have few years of work experience before going abroad, since work experience is the basic panacea for all the recruitments.
When should one start the application process?
How do I apply online or paper?
What is an online application and how do I fill that?
Electronic applications process called applications “online” which have to be filled up in real time and submitted on the web site. You apply online and you still need to submit all the Application Material, SOP, Recommendation letters & transcripts and other documents separately by post enabling the universities to make a final decision. Unless the universities receive these documents, they will not decide upon your admission.
What all-supporting documents to application material is needed?
These changes from University, but generally while sending an Application packet to a school, you need the following things (put in this order):
Cover letter / Application / Application Fees / Professional Resume /State of purpose SOP / Official Transcripts / Letter of Recommendation / Research Papers for example National Level papers (certificate copy) / Awards and Certifications for example Quiz winners & other activities / Financial Statement / Affidavit of Support / A Xerox copy of TOEFL & GRE score reports
What is Financial Statement?
Financial Statement or Bank Statement indicates the availability of funds with you, (or your sponsor) in a bank. These funds must be available for the purpose of your further education. A statement given by the Bank manager, on the Bank’s letterhead, clearly indicating the amount of funds available both in your native currency and also the currency of the country where you would like to study has to be given, with the seal of the bank and signature of the Manager. To each and every university you apply to, you need to enclose an original Bank Statement. Student is required to send one original financial statement to each university he is applying. Some universities need the Financial Statement filled, in the application itself. If it is indicated as mandatory, you need to get that form appropriately filled by the Bank.
If you get admission for fall semester and if for some reason you are not able to join that semester, do they cancel the admission.
No. If you are not able to join you must immediately inform the University of the Delay and situation and request them to defer your admission for the next semester. Most of the Universities accept the request to defer admission. Deferring admission depends totally on the discretion of the University.
How many times can the GRE® test, the GMAT® test, the TOEFL® test , IELTS Test can be taken and which score is considered?
When should one take the tests if one wants to apply in Fall/Spring?
Students aspiring to join Universities in the Fall Semester beginning in August /September should take the examinations latest by December in the preceding year. Students planning to join in the Spring Semester beginning in January should take the examinations latest by June in the preceding year. For more information contact local meridian office.